Who is "Suplexd"?

Learn who is writing the articles you read on this site.

Photo: WWE.com

Last Updated April 15, 2023


Written by Bradenley Konopka

We are... me!

Hi, thanks for checking out my site! My name is Bradenley, and I am a lifetime professional wrestling fan from Colorado. My day job is being a software engineer, and one of my hobbies is writing articles, so combinging the two led me to create the site you're looking at right now!

Depending on how this site grows over the next few months, this site will either remain a side project managed by only myself, or it may grow into a community with articles written by other professional wrestling fans.

That is about all there is to say for now. I will update this page in the future if anything changes. Thanks again for checking out the site, and I hope you enjoy it!